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I was a little concerned about losing her respect if she found me like this, but I also knew I could trust her, and I needed to get inside to make the time."Jen, could you help me out?"She came over and was understandably shocked at my state. I gave her a brief explanation, leaving out the details of the meadow and Dr. Smith's help. She laughed at my predicament, but let me in, and even looked out for me while we were climbing stairs to Mistress' floor. Once we got to the floor, Jen left me alone and I thanked her.I headbutted the door to knock, since my hands were cuffed behind me. Mistress opened the door wearing a towel, looking surprised to see me."You made it! I didn't expect you to be so efficient. Well come on in and collect your prize!"The door closed behind me and she faced me. She reached for the knot in her towel, undid it, and let it fall to the ground with a "Ta da," leaving her gloriously naked. Her pert breast rose and fell with each breath, the nipples already hard. “Shit Shellie, you are so fucking wet!”“I know,” she said, looking down into my eyes, “and you are the one that made me that way. Now, I am going to return the favor so you can have yours. . .again!” And Shellie just started bouncing up and down, making me slide in and out of her with ease.I moaned and felt her pliable moist walls grip me with every stroke she made upon me. Each time she did, I felt myself get harder and plunge deeper inside her, hitting a spot inside her that sent a feeling through her and made her grip me even more. I knew I was not going to last long and Shellie obviously knew it too. She must have felt me get harder inside her for her to be able to tell.“Hmm, you are almost there. Let me see if I can bring you over the edge!” Shellie announced and started to ride me slower, taking me deeper inside her more than ever wet chasm. That did it for me. I was on the edge.“Oh Shellie, oh Shellie, oh fuck Shellie!” I broadcasted. “I am going to cum. Oh God, I am going to.
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