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He saw a seagull soar by outside. He could hear aneasy breeze rustling a flag somewhere nearby muted by something in hisears and he realized there were ear buds in them. He must have beenlistening to music when he went to sleep.He could move his hands now but they too felt strange. He felt panic whenhe realized he must have been in an accident and was in a hospitalsomewhere. But he thought of the chicken again and how could he have beenin an accident if his car didn't work? Or maybe it was all a dream!Fearing the pain that must accompany such horrible injury, he carefullyraised his right hand to his face to look at it. His fingers seemedfarther away than they should or just smaller, more delicate. His nailswere long. Manny usually bit his nails nervously so he must have been outa long time, he thought for them to grow that much.He twitched his left arm to see if there was pain and felt relieved thatit felt weaker, but normal. Slowly and carefully he checked his legs andother body. Then she started becoming close to me and sharing everything. We started msging in Whatsapp also. Sharing fwd msgs n pics of our routine life. As I was open, I told her about my ex love story and she started liking me more from that.Sooner this turned towards love but I never loved her. Let me explain her. She is fair and 5’5 inches tall. Not so beauty but sexy. She got the bigger boobs which I have seen in my real life till now. Our chats become regular n went all night. Our talks went intimate and I told her she s hot. She became silent. I thought she will get angry but to my surprise she said I can cool her. . We talked about sex and having sex. She told me she s ready to sleep with me even I m not a relation to her. We planned few times n that did not happen. One day I asked her what is d size of her boobs. She said its 36. I told her that I have not seen of that size in real n wanna see it. She asked me to come directly n see. I convinced her somehow n she sent me her breast.
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