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Now you know how the ladies are once they get a chance to shop they won’t let go of it and so was my mother. She invited my aunty with her mother to our home to go shopping together as time was it and I didn’t like this idea of my mother sinceI was a studious student and did not compromise with my studies and their coming to our home was obviously a distraction that I hated at that time but who would listen to 18 year old! Thus my parents fixed the home for their coming. We have three rooms in our house.One is taken by my father in which he sleeps alone another that I slept in. There was a third room which served like guestroom in need but otherwise was empty but my mother’s room in which I slept had the benefit of a table lamp which I could use for my studies without disturbing others.So in order to not to disturb me it was decided that i should stay in my room, Neha aunty was to share the bed with me. Her mother was to sleep in the guestroom alone and my parents in another. They. She wasn’t even answering my calls or returning my texts. It was like she was mad at me for what happened. Mariola had spoken to her on the phone, she said that the hospital would be releasing Lacy Friday morning. I tried texting Lacy too, without a reply, but I don’t think she had her phone.I was laying in Mariola’s bed. I still couldn’t sleep well. The covers were moving up and down over my lap. Mariola was under them, sucking me off with a slow relaxing rhythm. Her blow jobs were the only things that helped me sleep. My eyes were closed, and I fell asleep almost as soon as I came in her mouth, I heard her slurping down my cum as I quickly drifted off.I just sat around their house during the day. I had called Danielle Sunday and told her everything, she was in shock, but her stepdad wouldn’t let her miss school to come stay with me. She offered to come by after school to try and ‘take my mind off of things’, but sex just wasn’t appealing after what I walked in on. Mariola left to.
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