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”I said, “Aimee, I felt bad that you were wearing my wife’s collar, so I got one just for you. You may notice that my last name is now visible. If you will allow me to place this around your neck, we can continue our agreement until Monday.”Aimee actually cried with relief as I placed her collar around her neck. I told her “thank you for allowing us to continue.” I explained to Aimee, “Since I removed the collar from your neck, you did not have to allow me to place a new collar on you.”Aimee replied “I know, but I want to complete our agreement.”I picked up the next box and handed it to Aimee.Aimee looked at me as if asking me a question.I instructed her “open it and you will know what to do.”Aimee opened the box and saw another collar with the writing Property of Aimee Bailey inscribed on it. She looked at me, smiled, and turned to Lily.Aimee said to Lily “I have a collar just like mine, if you allow me to place it around your neck, it will be a symbol of our agreement until Monday. Now I knew what was happening. I was slowly feminizing. I unzipped my pants and pulled them down, looking down to make sure that my dick was still there. It was- but it seemed twice as small as before! I ran back into the bathroom to check myself out in the mirror, and my thesis was right! I noticed that my arms were no longer muscular and built; instead they were scrawny, as with the rest of my once fairly built body. But besides that, I looked almost like a feminine teenager, around the age of 19. This just wasn't right, I was 24 years old, and now I looked like a 19 year old. I turned the faucet on and put my head under it to wash away the sweat that was building up on my forehead. I picked up the towel next to my bathtub and dried my head and hair off. Upon moving the towel away from my face, I noticed a mass of long hair stuck to my towel, wedged between my fingers that were holding it. I quickly looked back in the mirror. I was now even shorter, but besides that I had the same.
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