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I excused myself as I told Jessica I'd be back and that I had to use the restroom and she said, "Oh man, I hope it wasn't the soup because then I'll have to go too. I giggled but I felt the pee about to leak out and without letting her know that wasn't the case I just could'nt hold it in much longer.I quickly walked over to the restroom trying not to make this a bigger deal than it was and I remained calm as I gently pushed open the door to the men's restroom. Once I was inside I noticed all of the urinalls were out of order and I started to panic as I ran to the nearest stall of the two, crazy as it sounds someone was occupying the large one at the end so it was the only one available! I unzipped my fly faster than I ever had before and I sighed quietly to myself as I released my bladder feeling great relief as a very long stream of my fresh warm pee drained from my body. As Irecovered for a while with my dick still in my hand and while I stood still in the stall I couldn't help but. I feel him kissing my lips and running his fingers over my hot and swollen newly acquired pussy and he keeps asking me seriously if its ok, his wife would be furious with him for cheating on her with his own daughter; I see the dark fantasy burning behind his eyes in his mind as he gets clearance to not wear a rubber or finish in her loosened up back pussy. I take control of her talk to tell him she is his to be taken as he deems fit, his other daughter is setting everything up in a tangled web of strings. I grab his control and tear his clothes off and then slowly kiss Amelia; "did you take a strange pill? If you did I promise it's ok, where do you think your sister got the powder?" I don't give her the time to respond as I force my lubed up cock up and down her slit, "I own your body Amelia, anything i want to do to you I will without hesitation." Jumping vessels just as he forces his rather large man hood in to my tight unused body. "Oh good Christ, ho ho what are you doing uhh.
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