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I know you have your traditions about how to talk to people, but please I call me AJ. You have my permission to do so. As for being curious, I’ve learned that there is nothing wrong with it. Granted curiosity killed the cat, but you’re a smart girl and I know you know your limits, as well as what’s right and what’s wrong.”“Your right, it’s just that… oh this is so embarrassing.”“You have nothing to be embarrassed about, I want you to feel comfortable with me and be able to tell me anything. How else can I protect you and help you adjust to living here in the States. After all you’re going to be starting college in a few months. You’re going to have questions, especially since this is a different culture than you’re used to. It’s best to get embarrassed in front of me or Amya then it would be in front of strangers. At lease we won’t make fun of you if you embarrass yourself or experience any culture shock.” I said as moved to sit next to her. I couldn’t get over how much similar to. "Look up at the trees,slave. Look at the tall trees. What do they spell?"Spell? Daniella was confused. She looked up at the pine tops. Alldifferent heights, and thicknesses. Each tree stood straight up in theair, as all pine trees do. Wait... She realized that some of the treetrunks were a little bent. This one curved a little to the left. Thatone leaned a bit to the right. Two trees seemed to lean toward eachother. Nothing was moving... It was just that she seemed to be noticingmore details. Was becoming aware of a pattern, that she hadn't noticedbefore.Mz Dominica shifted her stance a bit, and the rustle of leaves carriedthrough the remote control, caressing Daniella's skin, from her toes upher legs, to her dripping sex. Her hips pumped. Just once, slowly. Asshe continued to gaze at the trees.Those two -- one straight and tall, one next to it curving a bit to theleft. They seemed to make the letter "D". Next to them, two more treescurved toward each other. Making an "O". The next.
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