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Upon seeing her they said, "Happy Birthday!"Then Dick said here a little something for the birthday girl from all three of us. Bruce pointed over towards a large tarp and Alfred pulled a rope to lift it and present a car. The car was an older model VW convertible and Babs saw that it had modified it for use with hand controls. Babs loved it and kissed all three.In weeks to come she enjoyed her new car and got to get out more. She had taken Dick to 'Make out point'. Here Dick and her behaved like a couple of school kids making love in the car. After that while sitting there in the arms of her lover, Dick's pager went off. It was a distress call from Arsenal, his teammate from his teen titans' day. Dick rushed off to help his friend as Babs sat in her car trying to get dressed. Then she spied a couple of kids coming up to park. She thought, 'What the heck, lets see what happens.' She watched and then was surprised to see it was Tim Drake, the new Robin and a beautiful girl. Babs smiled. .”“ Well its kinda one, its an excuse to get away for awhile.....and its tax deductible ( he laughed) Itll be us, buddy Richard, hes a district for a well known new book store chain, and David,...hes in advertising, so we're all in the biz, ...kinda , we rent a nice cabin in Gatlinburg each year, have a little fun ..., I think ita be jus what the doctor ordered for you, ma boy” I had been to Gatlinburg a couple of times , its full of nice shops, restaurants ,even some upper class bars, I had seen the aquarium,the space needle and a lot of the arcade, but the cabins? Way outta my price range, supposed to be really nice, and for almost a week? Against my better judgment I said the hell with it, Id go.Nick picked me up early, said the rest were meeting us there, so I slept a lot of the way, and Im not a morning person anyway, trust me... he woke me up as we passed through pigeon forge.“ We there ?” I ask,“ No just a little ways to go, figure we'd get something to eat, dont know whats.
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