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Almost as if I had suddenly found myself out of my depth,floundering a bit. I was greatful jack re-appeared with our drinks and the conversation returned to the normal banter.Well the evening ended as usual,with me crashed out snoring on there sofa so they flung a blanket over me and went to bed. Next Morning heather woke me with the usual cup of coffee and slice of burnt toast(The way I still like it). ‘Where’s Jack’,I asked.I must have looked a sight with my hair all over the place and the smell of me was not pretty either. ‘Gone to his Mams’,she said.’Be back later this afternoon,you better have a shower you stink’,she said and got up laughing and went into the kitchen,singing to herself. I finished my coffee,slowly got up and went upstairs to the shower. When I came back down she was sitting in her chair with the shortest skirt I had ever seen her wearing.For a big girl,Heather had lovely legs and her tits looked like balloons beneath her tight top. ‘want another coffee’,she. "Why are you so grouchy this morning," came an innocent question?He laughed at this a little and asked, "Are you sure you want to know, little one, I may shock you," at her nod, he continued, "I thought of you all night and what would be the best way to seduce you tonight. I couldn't sleep, thinking of you and all I'd like to show you. Things I'd like to do with you and I don't mean just sexually, Silk. I want to dress you up, take you places, and see the wonders of the world with you." He watched her face again, sending up a silent prayer. "Well, what will it be, yes or no?"Should she, could she. Why not? Reed had thrown her and her love away. Now someone else wanted her. Someone, who seemed to want the same things she wanted, liked the same things she did. Why not indeed? "Yes, I think so," came a slow reply, "Why not, I like you, and you seem like a nice normal person."His eyes narrowed and he laughed a little again, "Nice, maybe, normal no, but I do like you too." Now was the.
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