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I check in, the usual hassles, they have booked in a double I want King bed, I can even get a pizza delivered, which is good I’m in no shape to go out to get anything to eat. The reservation clerk gives me my key and tells me my room number 415 and off I go to the elevator. I find my room no problem, open the door and go inside, set my suit bag down and my laptop in the couch. I can’t see the bed but it sounds like the radio is on, the poor guy before me set the alarm clock for PM rather than AM, and is on pretty load it sounds like a rock station that will work. I start the usual routine, undo the tie, the shirt and the shoes off. Get out of my pants and hang the pants and suit on a hanger in the closet next to the bathroom. In to the bathroom and take a piss, and wash my face and back to the grind. I open up the laptop and start to get it plugged in to the phone and the jack. I am waiting for the machine to boot, sitting in the desk in my usual hotel work out fit, underwear,. "Ok!" Ryoko prompted, with a chuckle. "So what happened next?" Well..." Ena began after a moment to collect her thoughts."As I've said, no one believed the old dreadnought could still fly..." At least that was the theory.No one apparently having taking into account the remote possibility, That one of imperial power level would ever be pissed enough to give such an order. I assure you, my sweet Azusa was both!I watched in utter astonishment as He reached in his way, deep within the core of the ancient tree and bid it, Arise!The entirety of the city of Jurihelm was shaken as Odan after centuries of rest, tore free of its ancient roots and rose slowly into the evening sky!Triggering in its wake one of the worse seismic events in the capital cities history! It was by no means a graceful accent, the broken blacken remains of the main hull resemble a gigantic ebony stump as it rose tumbling slightly along its long axis. By the time we had arrived at the ionosphere Azusa's bond with the.
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