Calibration mp4 porn

She is the only woman I have ever been with and I am the only man she has been with. We are in our forties. She is average looks, not a model but not bad looking. Nice body I would say. But over the past few years we have talked about fucking other people. We have both agreed that it would fun to watch the other have sex with someone else, neither of us knew how to take it to the next step. So we would pretend and talk about it but it never went any further than that. Then one day after we had sex, my wife, Rhonda, mentioned a man at her work, Gary, had made some comments to her. She thought that he wanted to fuck her and she wanted to fuck him. We both thought maybe this was the start of us having sex with other people and it really turned me on knowing that she wanted to fuck this guy. We had another round of great sex while talking about what she would do with him. About a week later Rhonda came home from work all excited. "I fucked Gary!" she said to me standing in the kitchen. I. “That’s what getting fucked by a real man looks like.” While admiring his reflection, Lance noted that the door to the weight room had been left ajar. Janitors or no, neither of them wanted prying eyes.“Hey, babe,” he murmured. “How about we cool down in the shower?” Before she could answer, Lance spun on his heel and marched towards the girls’ locker room. He exited the weight room and carried her across the length of the vast gymnasium as if she weighed nothing. With each step, Lance bounced her entire body up and down upon his thick shaft. She marveled at the casual stride of the teenage Don Juan. Lance seemed unconcerned with the risks of their encounter. A smirk played upon his lips as he walked buck naked through the giant basketball court with a teacher impaled on his tool. If someone entered the gym at that moment, they would have nowhere to hide. Yet he remained cool and completely in control of the situation.Lance hip checked the door to the girls’ locker room. It swung.
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