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She smiled as she thought of the sight she would present to Adam when he walked through the door. Her ass would be the first image he would see then, all the implements lying there for him to use to inflict his special torment on her. As she waited, her mind drifted over the course of her life. It seemed like forever, and yet it was such a short while ago, that Bridget had been removed from the familiar family life with her parents, to sexual slavery of strangers. She drifted back mentally to when her first Master injected a painful substance into her - at that time - non-existent breasts. Bridget wiggled slightly, grinding her tits and nipples into the carpet, and sighed. She recalled how much it hurt when the long needle had entered into her nipples each day, and how, in his own method of comfort, the Old Master had then gently caressed them, and using first his fingers, and then his penis, encouraged her to cum while the pain filled her tits. She felt her cunt become wet as she. It just gets rounder and harder and sticks out when, well, you know."Oh yes, I knew. She went on,"But yours. It gets so teensy-weensy when you're done. It's just precious!"I didn't answer her for a moment. It wasn't what she said. She had that Carolina accent that always makes people sound simpler and more innocent than they really are, so it would have been hard not to laugh at the way she said "precious." I was just surprised, because it was the first time she had spoken her husband's name in bed. That was bad luck for her. It brought the guilt on.Other places she'd talk about him and her kids all the time. I remember walking that path through the hill behind her subdivision, through the trees. There was a little creek with mossy rocks and dragonflies during the hot months and all those things that seem magical though they can't keep you from dying, and there we could walk holding hands, and she'd go on and on about her family. We could kiss. I could feel her up. Once I moved my.
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