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He started out hitting my bare ass very hard with his hand, but told me to beg for more. I did everything that he asked, and soon he had his belt hitting me with that, and telling me to call him daddy. Next he told me to lie spread eagle on the bed. I did as he wished. He took his belt and tied my hands above my head to the post on my headboard. He then went through my drawers looking for 2 more belts to use to tie up my feet. He didn't find a belt, but he did find my stash of sex toys and tapes. He again called me a little fucking whore. This time he came beside me on the bed and slapped me in the face with his cock. He brought the virbrator and dildo over and layed them beside me. He looked through the tapes I had and picked one out and put in the VCR. He laied beside me began to tickle my clit with my vibrator as we watched the orgy that was on the tv. Then he took the big dildo (which I never put all the way inside me) and shoved it completely into my wet pussy. I almost cried. I. 2Barry reached out, and gathered a bunch of tissues. ‘Better clean up’, he said, handing me some.‘We made quite a mess didn’t we’, I said, ‘It was a great orgasm, thanks’.‘The pleasure was all mine’, Barry replied with a grin on his face.I looked him in the eye, ‘I’m not gay, but I might be bi-curious, I have no desire to have anal sex, just want to set things straight’.‘I’m the same way’, he replied, ‘I get aroused by lingerie on women and men, and do like to play on cam with other guys who dress, hardly ever have sex at home so it gives me an outlet’.We then discussed what we liked to wear, where we cam’d, and what we did on cam. I realised I was starting to get aroused again, and started to gently stroke my cock. I noticed Barry doing the same.I moved his hand out of the way, and started to stroke and rub him, feeling him harden in my hand. I was getting hard too. I knelt on the bed, over his groin, then lowered my heads towards his cock.Cupping his balls in my hand, I started to.
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