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One day the little Yumi, brought Charlie an Apple, and in a very sexy way ,p ut her red fire lipstick lips on her apple, biting it so sexy, that Charlie had to stay in the sit for all the class, covering his boner.But the girl was not going to stop there that day. Anyway she had just trimmed her pussy with a big CH in the middle for her favorite teacher.It was time to deliver homework, and while the students were passing to the front to deliver, Yumi passed in front of her teacher desk, and just said, Sorry Mr.Charlie, I did not bring my homework, and got close to him : " I've been a very very bad girl, and I need to be punished "Charlie already got his boner almost exploding from under his pants and all he wanted was to get a nice cum for this moment.The bell rang, and Charlie staying still in his chair, farewell all of them, less Yumi, : " sorry Miss. Kawahara , you must stay today because of your lack of homework and do some reading "The classroom emptied quick, it was Friday, and. And fast.***** Chapter 8 *****"Oh my gosh, what happened?" Sarah asked shocked."Valerie happened." replied a grinning Bethany."Who is Valerie?" Ask your father." Beth. Please. Would you let it rest for a minute? I was put on the spotand it was a thing of the moment." Walter begged."Wait. Dad is Valerie?" You got it." Bethany confirmed.Walter sighed. He guessed it needed a while to live down."The sales clerk asked about my name. I didn't want to explaineverything .." .. and that you were a man .." interjected Bethany."Yes. That too. Just .. take it easy okay." But what about your clothes?" inquired Sarah.He saw Bethany's grin and cut her off be she could start."Apparently I have some class compulsions too. Just like you with thecolor black and robes. Instead for me, it is revealing clothes." Didn't you mean sexy clothes, Val?" corrected Bethany.Walter rolled his eyes which prompted some giggling. After some morebanter, Bethany excused herself, as she wanted to put away Walter's.
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