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After cutting the cake, I took a piece and made her eat, and then she fed me. After that, I took the cake and apply it on her face neck and shoulder. I got close to her face and started licking from the forehead.With every lick, I was pushing her towards the bed. After licking the cake on her face I made her lie on the bed. Then I went on her and started licking the cake on her shoulders and neck. She was enjoying every bit of it. I slowly started kissing her and finished it.Then I took the cake again. I lifted her top above tummy and applied the cake on tummy and started licking it. I was going around over her tummy she started pulling my hair. I started to give light bites. Then I raised the top and for the first time, I lifted her bra. To my amazement, she didn’t stop me.There they were her gorgeous watermelons. They were stiff perfect round shapes with brown areola and pointed nipples. They were so tempting that can’t be described but felt. I looked at her face. She had a. She handed me the can and looked at me with those inexplicably hate filled eyes. She said, "I imagine you're pretty hungry, for food anyway. I think, though, that it is probably best that you have an empty stomach."Don't worry, though. You'll be receiving plenty of nutrition pretty soon. They have a nice, healthy, high protein diet planned for you."I hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday. I suppose I should have been famished. But I wasn't. I was far too traumatized. I was just waiting desperately for this to end.The trainer led me into the barn and I was once more fastened to a bench. This bench was smaller than the other two benches I had already experienced. I was on my stomach, my body about waist high. I noticed as I approached that there was another of those canisters under the bench so that any fluids that dripped down would be collected.The only people in the barn when I was brought in were a couple of cameramen who filmed me coming in and being strapped down to the bench. Once.
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