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My parents are divorced so I don't see my dad too often. My mom was in her late 30s and was pretty attractive. She had both me and my brother when she was very young. She was definitely the hottest mom at our school and I constantly heard how my guy friends thought she was a milf. Tom was a bit younger than me and a real pain. I'd caught him sneaking glances st me from time to time. I'm certain the little pervert had tried to peek at me In the shower or while I was getting changed.The day started with my alarm jerking me awake. I quickly reached over and switched it off as I lay back on my bed, annoyed my alarm had interrupted my dirty dream. I lay there and enjoyed the comforting feeling of the warm sheets on my bare skin. I'd started sleeping naked a while ago. I loved how comfortable and arousing it felt being totally naked plus it made me have those naughty dreams more often. I could feel cool air on my toes where the covers ended. My thighs were still felt warm from my exciting. Plus we’ve got signs posted warning of equipment hazards and the building not being safe.”“So I come down here and just enter the door we used and get to cocksucking?”“Yep, easy as that. There’s usually three or four guys here so you won’t be alone. So what do you think?”“I like it. You can count on me to be here on Friday afternoon.”“Good deal.”Friday could not come fast enough, but once it did I left work at noon, made my way to the nudist resort where, in my trailer, I shed my clothes and then headed for the equipment outbuilding. It was just past two when I walked in and saw four guys seated at the bench and sucking cock. I could hear muffled conversations coming from the other side of the wall. I took a seat on the bench in front of a gloryhole and in the grand tradition slid my finger around the hole to let the guys on the other side know there was a cocksucker waiting for them.Almost immediately a great looking cut cock appeared and I noticed a drop of precum oozing out of the.
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