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As i started to wake i could feel someone under the covers coming from the bottom of the bed, before long two hands running up my bare legs stopping mid thigh and then parting my legs. as stated in previous blogs i sleep naked so my pussy is bare. i can then feel breathing against my pussy lips before the wet feeling of a tongue beginning to lick my slit, i wriggled slightly to get comfortable as i began to enjoy the feeling of my pussy being tongue fucked. the tongue movements focused on my ever swelling clitoris and began to circle as my fanny became wetter and wetter the more aroused i got. as i was getting more and more worked up i through the bed covers off and got a shock, of course i assumed the person eating me out was James, However in my sleepy state i had forgotten that Cousin had come to spend a couple of days. her name is Mia. 19 years old and a thing of beauty an incredible body with thick thighs and a cute ass, her tits are a nice handful and very perky. As i looked. My own having been well past the condition of wearing, with travel stains and dirt and days of constant wearing it was a relief to be wearing something clean. No matter it was thread bare and too large. It was clean and fresh smelling. My slippers too had been replaced.I was feeling better, the fear had left me with the establishment of a routine. I woke, ate, washed. Mary would come and build up the fire for the day and then my thoughts were my own until lunch.Currently I was combing my fingers thinking I may ask for a tub to bathe tonight, my hair was overdue for a washing.I heard the scrap of the doors bar and turned to greet Mary. My smile faded quickly when I saw the stranger. He was tall. Dark. He wore a robe sashed at the hip. Behind him a woman, a girl really, about my own age, she two had on a robe, sashed at the waist. And last to enter, the huge oaf of a man who carried firewood and opened the door for Mary. The door closed and I heard the bar fall into place on the.
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