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In fact an entirely new aspect of the adult entertainment industry, id focused upon shemales. Some men are Asian freaks, some like black girls, and now - some prefer ladybois! And Keven-Jeanne arrived on the scene just as this new niche was gaining traction.I mean, why not? Why spend time and money on some bitch who is not about to give you what you want? Most wives or girlfriends do not behave the way the women in porn videos behave. Some biological women will make the effort if they're out to hook a man, but even then it's not going to be with the same enthusiasm as a shemale, and will not last once the relationship is cemented. This, and the fact that men are promiscuous by nature, is why so many husbands and boyfriends cheat on their wives or girlfriends. Even professional whores are not usually down to act like a porn actress. Men figure, why spend all this money for a lap dance and furtive blowjob in a strip club?Enter the shemale, or, ladyboi. Many of them, like Keven-Jeanne. Most of the other folks had left an hour or so ago. Amy had done a good job inviting a co-ed mixture, and the party had gone well. She was right—an afternoon party got a lot more folks to come, since they could make evening plans as well."Ready to help with the dishes? By the way, thanks so much for co-hosting," Amy said."Anytime, Amy. Let's do it." Amy had been a good friend of my girlfriend Lisa, and we continued the friendship with each other after Lisa left. We both felt the loss when Lisa moved away, but the job opportunity had been perfect for her. Lisa and I both knew that we didn't have enough going for her to stay or for me to relocate with her. Lisa had told me that I should go after Amy, but it felt a little weird to hit up on a friend of my ex-girlfriend. Amy and I lived in the same condo building, so we saw each other a lot."Soul-crashing orgasms, huh?"I noticed how close together we were at the sink. The dishes became a little harder to hold. "Uh-oh. Not my sex life.
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