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Finally, he raised his head and whispered: "Just one thing, Angel... I thing you're going to have to put these on the cuff... and I do mean these... because I'm going to fuck you from now right straight through until sometime tomorrow... until neither of us has enough energy to move a muscle... not one fucking muscle... then, we'll talk some business..." Oh... Oh, God, Cheri!" Madeleine whimpered, pressing her mouth up tightly against his while simultaneously her hand squeezed his throbbing cock and her tiny tongue searched his mouth excitedly. "Oui, Oui! Please... I want you to... I want you to... but, we will do it my way, eh? Let me make you happy. You've waited so long... and now it must be wonderful for you... such beautiful love-making that you'll never forget it... ever, ever..." Christ!" Shannon gasped, his prick aching and dancing to the soft massaging caresses of Poirier's wife's hand until he was certain he'd cum in his pants if she didn't stop. "What the hell are we. " Shawna flashed her toothy grin."Pleaseee don't. I'm sorry for dis...disrespecting you."Adrianna thought for a moment, "Maybe we should cut him a break. Has he learned his lesson, Shawna?" Dese dumb men ain't learned nothin' if dey can still sit right by deh time we done wid 'em." Perhaps you're right, Shawna." Adrianna towered over Xavier's trembling body, "This all started because of your smart mouth, didn't it?" She dragged him over to Shawna and laid him at her bare feet, "Use that smart mouth of yours to suck Shawna's cock and we won't lock you in the pot."Xavier gulped, staring up past the developing bulge in Shawna's pants, though the expanse between her heft breasts, and at her cackling face. "Now dat's a great idear. Unless yah'd prefer the pot. What'dya say?"Xavier just stared down at Shawna's feet and shook his head."Now that's a yes if I ever saw one!" Adrianna scooted up behind him and entwined her fingers in his hair, lifting his face up to eye level with Shawna's.
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