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"That's wonderful news. Susan, why did you start to hold up your hand and then back down?" I missed my period three days ago, and I'm a bit irregular, so I'm not really sure. But my boyfriend and I did it just once without protection, so I'm just not sure." OK, thanks for being honest. We'll treat you as pregnant until we find out otherwise."Now, as for the reasons I asked those embarrassing questions, I expect us to be stuck here for the rest of our lives, since I have no idea how we could possibly be rescued. If we are stuck here, I think that we should plan on having children. We have just had graphic evidence that I am the only male, so we will have a somewhat restricted gene pool. Those two definites and one possible greatly expand our gene pool and raise our chances of survival. Is there any one of you who refuses to become pregnant by me? Be honest!"Martha started to raise her hand, but pulled it back down when she saw that she was going to be the only holdout. John was still. "Caitlyn answered back "I just messaged David not to a wait up."Jim answered, "sure thing."After classes were out, Michael and Gordon came into her classroom. "Ready, Mom?"Emma hugged them tightly; even more tightly than usual. "Dad will be here soon. I have to work late tonight."Minutes later she heard Jim out in the hallway. "Hey Caitlyn... yeah, I know, I'm picking them up now... Thanks for getting the baseball tickets. We can't wait." He appeared in Emma's doorway, with his hands pressed to the insides of the frame. "Hey Snuggly. Ready, Boys?" Bye, Mom" They said together and ran under their father's arms.Jim looked at his wife. "I love that dress on you." He walked toward her."I know. You told me this morning." "It's worth mentioning twice."Emma's eyes begged him not to compliment her right now. "Caitlyn and I are going to Joe's after we finish redoing our IEP's. It's been a long two days and I could use a drink." She didn't know exactly what was going to happen, but if she had.
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