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”Yes, I know I have two mothers, three female teachers, and a school nurse right around the corner.“Mr. Jones, David, please don’t think anything of the sort,” one of the women I knew was an incredibly uptight bible-thumper borderline religious-fanatic said as she came into the coach’s office holding a bag. “I am so embarrassed about forgetting that my daughter told me she needed new panties. She texted me when she went to lunch, and I rushed out, but I had no idea what size she needed now. I’ve been so busy with church.”The other mother said, “My son called to say that my daughter had to come to the gym today to get the new uniforms. He said she didn’t know the girls were all getting sports bras this year as part of their uniform.”“Thirty-six-B, in silk, with silk-lined cups, or spirit gum lined silk nipple covers. No numbing lotion won’t last the day, and her problem often worsens when it wears off. She has a silk camisole with a shelf bra that she can wear for the rest of the day.. They explained, tripping over each other to tell the tale, that they started fucking when Barbara was 15. Her mother, Bobs wife had found out and confronted them with the facts as she knew them. At first, Bobs wife had threatened to go to the police, which would have landed Bob in gaol. Bob managed to convince his wife that, if she did that, they would all suffer, as he would lose his well paid job, and she and Barbara would lose the luxurious life style that they currently enjoyed. In the end Bobs wife saw reason, he set her up in a good house with a fat trust fund to support her life style, and she agreed that Bob and Barbara could stay together. Since he could not marry Barbara Bob was not interested in a divorce, but he assured his wife that if she ever wanted one, for what ever reason, he would make it easy for her. In the end the separation was quite amicable. By the time that Bob and Barbara had finished their story the meal was almost over. Mary went to the kitchen to brew.
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