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Looking back, she agrees with my suggestion to explain the situation: The guy has a high sex drive, which matches hers in intensity and fondness for variations. The woman is probably not at all into anal intercourse, neither into more sex than once or twice month in order to get pregnant. So she seems happy her hubby has this way with Kinky Kay and doesn't bother mother during their hot holiday there. Kinky Kay goes one day once more upstairs with him for sex, while mom stays at the pool with their two young dods. They show up at the balcony, where mom spots them after a while and points them out to her dear doddies. They smile and wave to each other, while they pretend to enjoy to view from up there. For sure, the guy enjoys his view, as he stands behind her and her panties are on the floor, which mom can't see. "In fact, he was already deep inside me, inivisible for them down there ... but not for the neighbours at the next balcony, who watched his prick sliding in and out of my. "Cap'n?" came the drawled reply. The bent man gave the reigns a slight tug to slow the team of horses on the rough road."You think the men can keep from fuckin'up?" D'know." A shrug. "S'the firs'time we tried it s'way. Might do good t'remind evry'n 'fore w'get there."Barrad sighed, shuddered at the lazy slurring. "I was thinkin' the same thing." S'gonna be might'diff'rn't fr'm now'n." Yes it is." The pirate captain glanced from beneath his cloak at the men riding on top of the cage behind him, and at some of the men clinging to the tops of other carts. "We've been in hiding for far too long... I just hope th'men can adjust in time." Won't be t'bad, cap'n. 'll all be fine, just need a'little r'minder now n'then, s'all." I hope you're right, Hager."For years - for as long as most of them could remember - the slavers had conducted every aspect of their illegal business in secret, and when Barrad stepped back from the last captain's dead body to claim the title for himself, he had.
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