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Here's my card." Thanks Mr. Sterling. I got to get back to the game, see ya tomorrow."Well it looked like I would have a place to live after I sold my house. I certainly didn't need that huge house now. No children and no wife, I wouldn't need all that room. I think I have given Janice enough time to get settled in so I can go home now. Home, home is where the heart is, right, home is where love is, right? Well, I guess my home has become a house, a place where I exist outside of work. My new home is probably the Timberwolf. I feel more relaxed and more loved in that sterile place than I do in what used to be my home until two weeks ago.Just think two weeks ago I had a home, where I could relax after a hard day's work, a place of solace and peace. A place I could weather out any storm. This was a place I thought was full of love and comfort with someone who loved me and I loved in return. Then two weeks ago, it all came crashing down around me. I found out I wasn't loved in return. Sweetlou14: Afternoon HCB. Xxxxxxx HotCrossBuns: Afternoon Lou! Longtime no talk. Sweetlou14: No kidding!! Where have you been sugar tits? HotCrossBuns: Here, there and everywhere love. Busy busy. Sweetlou14: So what are you here for? Looking for love in all the wrong places? HotCrossBuns: Maybe... it's been a while hasn't it? Sweetlou14: Hold on I've got a strumpet on the other line. Let me drop her... Brb. HotCrossBuns: Strumpet? Seriously, who uses that word anymore? Sweetlou14: Horny old men, baby. Horny old men. Mary had met Louis online about a year ago. It had started off as Louis flirting with Mary, but she was reluctant . He was on her like a bear to a sweet pot of honey. He flirted and wooed, using all the tricks up his sleeves to get into her pants. Still she resisted. She thought it would be odd having relations with someone almost twice her age, so she kept telling him no. She liked Lou, he was kind, thoughtful, funny, and though she didn't want to admit it, sexy as.
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