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What is her husband’s name again?’ ‘Adam. They’ll be there for Christmas dinner, but they won’t be staying at the house since they live just outside Charlotte. They have two children, Sam and Ella are four and six.’ ‘And your little sister? Erin? Is she staying at the house?’ ‘Yes, she’s already there, home from college. Her boyfriend is coming Christmas night. I’ve never met him, but his name’s Aaron too.’ ‘They’re both named Erin?’ ‘Yes, she with and ‘E,’ and he with a double ‘A.” ‘Oh, that’s confusing. Okay, Ed and Andrea, Molly and Adam, Sam and Ella, and Erin and Aaron.’ ‘Yep. And John and Amy.’ ‘And John and Amy.’ He turned and smiled at her. ‘We do get our own room, don’t we?’ ‘Yep. My old room. But it shares a bathroom with Erin.’ ‘Erin with an E?’ ‘Yes, until Aaron with an A gets there.’ ‘What about gifts? I didn’t get them all presents,’ John said, glancing over at Amy. ‘Oh, that’s not expected at all. But I didn’t get anything for the kids yet and you can help me get them. I stood back and looked at myself in the mirror. I felt my manhood start to get aroused once more. I was barely able to recognize myself as I looked on. With a little sexy make-up I doubt I could be mistaken at all as a man in drag. I looked that good. I turned and rubbed my hands all over my flat stomach and legs. My cock again began to grow so I thought of anything other than my body in the sexy hose and corset. My hands shook a little as I began applying my makeup. A little rouge and some lipstick and eyeliner, and I was beginning to become more and more of a woman.When I finished with make-up, I tried not to dwell on my face and carefully slipped into one of my black dresses. The dress fit like a glove, even around my bust and hips. My sister's dresses never fit, and wearing Myrtle's things was really out of the question, they would just be too tight and rip at the seams. I just never wore anything that was this womanly that fit me. It was a black dress that was tight with.
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