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She thought about it and said she wanted a massive Bukkake I said ok I will arrange it at the adult bookstore that I usually take you too. I go and visit Joe the owner and set the ball in motion. A few days later he calls and say read the ad I put into the underground web sites. Come by Saturday night and enjoy a night of a massive Bukkake on a cum slut. We will have fluff era here for you but must register starts at 9 doors open at 8 respond to the number listed. Admission is$20 . I read it to wife and she is so excited I say this is how it will go. Meet me at the salon at 10 am Saturday morning . She says ok. Saturday comes and she shows up at the salon and Mary says come with me and she walks to back room. Your husband wants you hairless so wer are going to do that have a seat. The hairdressers says are you ready. She nods ok. You hear the whirl of the clippers and say omg not my hair too late it starts falling to floor soon stubble is left. The she shaves your head. What a day. What a weekend. It was ending. Sushi and I had to return to school. Sushi and I spent an hour snuggling in the quiet warmth of the Pigmy Forest. Then Sushi hit me. It was a play hit. "Tag, we met your parents, you need to meet mine. They need to know you too!"Now I know how dad felt when mom suggested he do something he knew was right but did not want to do.When we got back to San Francisco, I walked Sushi home.Her mom knew we had been mated. To her credit she came and gave me a hug. Her dad really gave me a long look.Sushi invited me for Friday Dinner. I also had four big labs. Well Friday arrived and so did I. I did not know that Sushi was Mr. and Mrs. Chow's only child. They recruited their whole family to help with Friday's feast.Sushi fixed four dishes herself. She is going to UC to be a veterinarian, so her classes schedule it just as rough as mine. It was a fabulous dinner.Except when we were in class, Sushi and I were always together. Her mom said we were joined at.
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