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Our athletic director heard of your request and has arrogantly requested I allow him to put you in your place, as the academic departments were unable to do so. He reminded me that there is no one on any of the sports teams who can lift more than someone in his programs can spot. You need not meet with him, but if you believe you can outlift his athletes, it will help me win a bet we have going.”I turned to Naomi to ask, “We made plans for me to lift in the fitness center before going for a run and then swimming. Will it mess up your plans if I play with the coaches to put them in their place. I hate the arrogance shown everyone that isn’t a jock.”“Only if I can come watch, as your chaperone, of course, to be sure you don’t get hurt,” Naomi replied.The president told us that the athletic director would be expecting us sometime in the next hour.Naomi asked if I had workout clothes for lifting, so I told them they were in the bag in her room, and we headed back to her apartment to get. The wine was poured and the shrimp salad was on the table. “I think we need to do it,” I said.“Do what?” said Rozelle.“Get married,” I said. I reached over the table and placed the little black box in front of her. She looked at it, frowned, smiled, and screamed.“Okay! Yes!” she said. I came around to her side of the table got down on my knees, both of them, and put the ring on her finger.“This is gonna be the beginning of something beautiful,” I said. “I need you Roz, and I want you real bad.”“I want and need you too, cowboy,” she said.“Let’s eat and then go out. Okay?” I said.“You got it,” she said.She gave me a quizzical look.“Honey, we gonna invite any of your long lost family?” she said. I hadn’t thought about that. But now I did.“Before, I would have said no. But now? I’m not sure,” I said. “What do you think?”“It would be your place to decide. But, that said, it might be time. I mean would there ever be a more likely time to maybe show them what you really are, and I’m not.
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