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Her sphincter expertly massaged the bundle of nerves embedded within the crown of my dick.Unfortunately, for me, the past ten minutes of ass munching had overloaded my senses to the point where my aching nut sack desperately had to release its contents. I tried to prevent the inevitable by clenching my ass cheeks and stop the flow of cum that was making its way into my urethra. But it was already too late so I figured I’d just help it along by sliding the large crown of my dick in and out, stretching her snug anal ring in the process.I was moaning with each thrust of my cock. The tension was building in my loins rapidly spreading to the pit of my stomach and then out to my arms. My grip around her waist became tighter as I neared orgasm. Then my body seized, forcing me to stop in midstroke. My teeth clenched and the muscles in my jaw became taut. I cried out from the immense pleasure my mother’s ass was giving me and fired rope after rope of thick, scalding cum deep into her ass. Mom. ‘Its still hard to believe you are a newlywed’ he whispered. I had found a refuge from soon, in someone who offered me a future that he never could. I loved this man, but not with the same fevered, consuming passion that I had felt for him. My love for my husband was softer and gentler, not like the waves of the pounding sea in which I had almost drown. ‘Yeah, it’s going pretty good.’ I replied, smiling as I thought of him. ‘That’s something I could never do, get married again.’ He went on, ‘It seems that I meet women that are too clingy or use the ‘L’ word way too soon.’ I appraised his words, maybe reading too much into them. He hadn’t changed that much after all. Chewing my straw lost in thought, I wondered which category I had fallen into, clingy or if I had been charged with misuse of the ‘L’ word, or maybe both. ‘Hmmm,’ I replied not knowing what else to say. I could empathize with the women. He was a blessing and a curse, a pleasant dream and an unyielding nightmare. I.
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