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I walked over and turned to face the room and attached the shackles to my feet then slowly slid onto the dildos, careful not to go to fast no matter how difficult it was. My eyes rolled back as I felt the two cocks fill both of my holes and moaned a little. By this point I was already soaking the leather of the belt with my juices. I fastened it around me, feeling the bullet that was turned off press against my clit and labia. Then I grabbed the switch that dangled from the wall and held the cord in my teeth as I wrapped the gag around my neck so it just needed moved into place. This gag was special made as well. It too had a dildo in it but just snapped in, easy to take out of the gag, but, this gag would hold my mouth open after it was removed so she could do whatever she pleased. Thinking about this only made me even wetter. I shackled my tail to the wall then reached up and put my right hand in place, locking the shackle... The sound of the back door closing echoed in my head as. Besides, I remembered that my cousin Becky was pretty fun to hang around with and we had had our share of fun whenever we would visit.Aunt Ruthie had two girls; Paige, who was the oldest, was about four years older than me. She was a bookworm and would rather spend her days reading and studying. That wasn't for me! Becky and I were the same age, born just over a month apart. And we both had a lot of the same interests. She was more tom-boyish than her older sister.Becky actually was adopted. My Aunt Ruthie got sick just after Paige was born and as a result, she was unable to have any more kids. She didn't want Paige to grow up alone, so she adopted Becky when Paige was five years old and Becky was not quite a year old.It was seven and a half long, boring hours to get to Aunt Ruthie's and being the only kid in the car, there wasn't much for me to do except put on my headphones and listen to my music or play games on my portable gaming device. At least I had packed enough things to.
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