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After a day relaxing by the pool, we went back to the room. I grabbed a beer from the mini bar and went out onto the balcony, where I ended up chatting with the chap on the balcony to the right of ours; nothing meaningful, merely exchanging small talk for 15 minutes or so before I went back inside.The next couple of days followed the same pattern, becoming more familiar with “Mal” from next door. After the fourth time we spoke he beckoned me to come closer and said “I'm not sure if I should tell you really, but from where I am standing now I can see into your room through the mirror on the wall there.” I turned around and saw he was referring to large mirror on the wall of our room, just inside the balcony door. I smiled and said “Oops!” He smiled back and admitted he had seen my Wife getting dressed and undressed a few times and also walking around naked. I told him about how she hadn't bothered closing the curtains due to the balcony not being over looked. “I'm sorry, I know I. But! That's not the best part. Gloria took me to a tailor to fit me for some new suits and it turns out her mother is the seamstress. When She was sizing me up for some slacks her hand bumped up against something hard and we ended up having a ménage-a-trois. Mother, daughter, and me. It was incredible!" I went on to explain all the juicy details to mom. She sat and listened, hanging on every lusty detail. She turned around completely to face me and her hands were busy between her legs and on her creamy smooth tits. When I was done her chest was flushed pink and her nipples were hard as little stones. I finished by telling her she would not have to worry about me not wanting her anymore."Don't worry my sweet," I said as I reached for the wet spot between her legs. "This is the only pussy I am devoted to. I will never love another as I love you. You ARE and ALWAYS will be my true, true love." To prove it I leaned into her wet cavern and sucked her pussy until she begged me to.
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