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My orgasm began to rise and, with no possibility of stopping, I cried out as I drove my dick up into Monicas womb and ejaculated there. My climax was harder than it had been when Id arse-fucked Danny. For a good twenty-seconds I was close to fainting with pleasure as my youthful prick pumped out thick wads of sperm up into the cunt of the horny woman beneath me. I kissed Monica on the lips and dismounted her. In no time at all Danny got back on top of his mom and fucked her. He shagged her just as fast and as zealously as Id just done, Dannys climax shortly hitting him. He sucked on one of his moms erect nipples as his prick spasm inside his mother and fired thick sperm into the cunt from which hed been borne from ten-years and five-months ago. You boys are good for beginners, Monica said once her son had clambered off from her. She was disheveled looking and had clearly enjoyed it just as much as wed done. Thanks mom, said Danny. My pleasure, his mother responded. Youre so sexy. .. The one in her pussy pulled out leaving her impaled as she sat with this dick up her ass as he let go of her ! This was the signal for them to let loose their cum, and cum they did! Deanna was hit right between the eyes with the first of these five men's incredible cum loads almost blinding her! Then the big cock head still spurting cum was stuck through her red lips and into her mouth as they screamed at her to suck! Barely able to see and starting to gag from cum, one after the other first blew their load in her face, and then she was forced to suck the warm gooey cum in, an swallow it, she tried to suck each of them for all she was worth! Finally with her still impaled and this big hard cock up her ass, she was barely able to see, when the one brother said hold her tight ! I want me a souvenir?, and I'm gonna get me a really good one!.......... He had again taken the knife and had gotten.
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