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.( and in doing that she pushed my face into her boobs.. giving me a raging hard on in the process!)laughing and crying and aperently oblivious to the fact that she had pressed my face into her boobs again she was still laughing and crying and babbiling on about when I was a baby..... David came over and pulled her away saying shesh let the boy breathe! she then ran to my parents and hugged them both again. everyone was laughing and crying and carrying on.. I excused myself and ran to the bathroom to try and controll my raging hard on...Shannon waited for me to get out of the bathroom and then went back outside with our friends and spent the next few hours splashing around the pool while our parents got cought up with what had been happening in thier lives over the last 10 years. Mom came out and said that it was time for the rest of the kids to go home as it was getting late and she didnt want thier parents to Worry.. as she was saying this my dad fired up our Bar~B~Que and told. After another minute she says another and I all take two double shots of tequila eachMy aunt was wearing a low cut dress showing her cleavage. She went down to put her shot and I glanced. When she put it down she looked over sharply catching me looking. She says to me so your a nasty boy aren’t you. I start giggling no blushing like I didn’t just get caught. Although I wasn’t thinking about fucking her before that night started, I could tell she had an amazing body & an obvious milf. She lowers her one nipple into view peaking out her cleavage. She had erect nipples & rubbed her finger around her Areola. I was illmmediatly hard. Without thinking the head of my cock was poking out the bottom of these short shorts. These shirts weren’t for a guy with big equipment. I didn’t notice till I looked at her eyes tat were now wide open with her mouth open in slight disbeliefFuck your big!” She yelled in disbelief. Slowly moving closer to me with her hand now right at my side next to my leg..
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