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The dumpsters were past the 4 little cabins and he was getting them when I got to the window. As long as he didn't back up I was safe. As soon as I got the screen swung out I heard his reverse warning signal whine and I looked up to see him looking in the mirror right at me as I slipped in, lit up by his back-up lights. I was hooking the screen as the truck passed and the handsome young guy driving smiled and winked at me in the window. I smiled back and he gave me thumbs up. The clock in the cabin read 4:22.I quickly got in the shower, bikini and all, to wash the suit and myself. Once it was soaked I took it off and began to rinse out the top, then I repeated the same with the bottom. I didn't know how I would wear it later today unless I was up at 7 o'clock to do laundry, and that wasn't going to happen. I just had to get to bed. I was so tired. I had maybe 2 hours sleep on the beach, but the excitement of waking and running home sapped that from me.I flopped nude into the bed with. He said nothing, for about a minute - a record for him, so far. 'How long will we be trapped in here? Aren't there other engineers in the hotel?'Leah forced the breath from her body; the air, humid and still, felt like soup. 'Pepito works the day shift; he's out tonight trying his luck. And it would take the Caribbean equivalent of the Towering Inferno before Reception would call the Emergency Services, not without the manager's permission. And before you ask, he's also out for the evening with the wife.' She shrugged, uncoupling the straps of her coveralls and letting the front flop onto her lap, revealing more of the dirty, sweat-patched T-shirt hugging her ample chest. 'Could be a while.'Brendan started to reply, then gave up and slid to the floor, back pressed against the wall to Leah's right, their feet almost touching. Leah stared ahead, to her diffuse reflection in the polished lift doors: a blurred image of a short, stocky brunette in her late twenties staring back, revealing.
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