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Ma prabusesc sfarsit de puteri, in timp ce mama si cele doua fiice se saruta, toarna sampanie peste sperma mea si beau fiecare cate o inghititura zdravana. “Pentru amor!” “Pentru dragoste!” “Pentru iubirea noastra”, toasteaza ele. “Ioan, tu nu bei?” “Fetelor, eu beau din sticla!” Sunt terminat, dar in pat orgia reincepe. Aura si Daniela isi atrag mama in jocurile lor ciudate. Daniela zice cu o voce subtire si prefacuta:“Mama, trebuie sa urinez, dar nu vreau sa merg la baie. Ce sa fac, oare?” Aura o apuca pe maica-sa de mamele si-i spune:”mama, las-o sa-ti urineze in gura, vrea sa-ti spele urmele de sperma din gat, ce zici?”Docila, femeia se culca pe spate si deschide gura. Daniela se aseaza cu pizda pe fatza mamei sale si jeturi de pisat incep sa curga in gatlejul acesteia. E randul Aurei, acum. I-a placut in noaptea trecuta chestia cu saliva si ii arata maica-si ce stie ea sa faca, impreuna cu Dana. Fetele stau in genunchi fatza in fatza si isi scuipa in gura una alteia, in timp ce. Then you must have been shocked to realise that I was going with anotherwoman weren't you? what are we like?" And she smiled that warm soft smileof hersI couldn't speak, I just looked at her afraid of what Donna had beensaying about me."She really is a good friend to both of us you know, if it wasn't for herunderstanding you and talking to you and explaining it all to me, I justdon't know where we would be. But I am sorry that you were too frightenedto tell me your feelings yourself sweetheart, but don't worry it justtakes time that's all. Even now she has gone out shopping for you, she istalking about you all the time, hehe , sometimes I feel jealous, but Iknow she genuinely loves me."I was aghast, in some ways happy, but I had a deep down nervous worryabout what Donna had been saying to convince my wife about me or what, Iwas not at all sure."Now as Donna said, its only fair that we give you a girls name now, shesuggested Rachel, I think its nice, but I thought that perhaps it.
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