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“I don’t want to be disturbed.” The knock sounded again, and she frowned as she started toward the door. “Didn’t you hear me?” She shouted. “Yeah , I heard you, Mrs. Madison, but why don’t you open up anyway?” The voice behind the door asked. Holly stopped. It wasn’t Jeff. She recognized the voice. It was her son’s best friend, Jake Allen. "Mrs. Madison is Jeff here?” “No he’s not. He is on a date with his girlfriend.” Holly replied. “I let him borrow computer software and told him I would come get it today.” Jake replied. “Ok come on in. Don’t let the cold air out.” Holly replied. “Since your here I was just wondering if you could lend me a hand moving some furniture?” She asked. “Um yeah sure. I guess I could do that.” After Jake helped Holly, they sat in her living room drinking cola and talking for what seemed to be hours. They talked about anything and everything until the topic finally turned to sex. “So Jake are you having sex with your girlfriend?” Holly asked. “Mrs.. Aunt Sangeetha was wearing a short white pair of women’s shorts that barely contained the cheeks of her bottom and a red tank top, her boobs giving an encore performance of big contained water ballons.Joining her in the kitchen she tip-toed to give me a hug, her breasts spreading their warmth to my chest and the rest of my torso. Although it wasn’t late the place was becoming dark and cold. Waves were becoming rough and in a matter of a few hours it would begin to rain.After the dinner of Chinese takeout that she brought, we sat on the couch and talked about the old days to catch up on old times. She joked about how she was getting to old to remember the dates of things, so I told her that she looked just as nice as she did when she married Kumar. This made her blush and smiled a pretty smile too.‘Thank you raj,’she said’ ‘catching up like this takes me back to the times when you and I used to wrestle in the yard’‘The only difference is that there is no way you can win me at.
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