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This story will contain Femdom, Lesbian Sex, BSDM, and BBWs.Prologue: This story takes place in the near future. There has been a strong resurgence of the religious right in much of the South, and they have used their power to crack down on all forms of pornography, sex work, and public female nudity.chapter 1 – arrest and prosecutionAva was in her bedroom working as a camgirl on a popular cam site. She was 19 and very hot at just 5'3 and 116 pounds, with a curvy ass, a small waist, and perky c-cup breasts. Needless to say, she could make good money most nights in her cam room. The problem was she lived in Arkansas, a state that now had fundamentalists in control of the governor's office and the legislator. When the religious right came back to power one of the first laws, they passed was a law that criminalized all forms of the broadcast, filming, or display of female nudity. They had also started a severe crackdown on any kind of sex work. Topless clubs were shut down across the. I cherished those several seconds for all they were worth. "And the best way I can think of to get that sperm out of you is to fuck you." With a final kick, the panties flew off of her foot, which was still encased in a sexy heel.When she lifted her tits out of my face again, I glanced down and saw her dark bush hovering over my groin. Never, I thought, had there ever been a more beautiful sight in the world."Well?" she said. "Do you plan to take those shorts off any time soon?" Oh. Um. Yes." As fast as I could, I pushed and wriggled out of my underwear."Much better," she said, smiling. "Oh my! I had no idea my little nephew was so big!" She was being kind, of course. I knew I wasn't very big at all, even for my age. But I appreciated the compliment anyway."Thanks," I said, blushing."Are you ready for me, bad boy?" Y-yes. I think so," I started to say.But she hadn't actually waited for a response. Before I could say much of anything, she lowered her pussy onto the top of my cock,.
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