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The feeling is so amazing I very nearly howl with pleasure. He keeps humping, his back legs dancing a little with the speed of his thrusts. I can feel the heat of his cum against my cervix, and it feels so wonderful, almost relaxing. His cock is filling me up, stretching me, but it doesn't hurt at all.I moan and whine and pant, my body going crazy with the lust. My claws dig into the carpet as I feel every last inch of Max inside of me. His big, furry balls smack against my clit, making it even better. I can feel my body reach climax, all my muscles clench up. I cry out in the intense pleasure. "Oh, good boy, good boy!" Just as I come down from my orgasm, I feel an intensely pleasurable swelling inside of me. I pant with both surprise and ecstasy. I had forgotten about the fact that Max would knot. But that doesn't matter at the moment as I can feel the heat of all his cum squirt into me. I keep moaning as I get filled with his seed. I can't help but wiggle, grinding my hips. I. I couldn't bare all in front of these.Surprisingly, and embarrassingly, both sexes were well represented. Nearly all were middle-aged or more and looking exceedingly worldly-wise.The men looked slobs. Bloated, semi-retired businessmen. The proverbial fat cats. They looked as though middle-age spread and over-indulgence had left them so lethargic that perving over young people was all the sex they could manage, or be bothered lifting a finger or elevating a penis for. But they were nothing like as daunting as the women. 'Cougars and Milfs', Tracey called them later (how does she know these things?). My only consolation beforehand had been the thought that Tracey, not my male self, would be the centre of attention. After all, she'd asked for it. But these women looked ravenous for dick, maybe because the men were so torpid. And the only dick on display was going to be mine.I was led to the end of a row and made to sit next to a group of four such ladies, large of body, and greedy of.
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