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.” I couldn't remember her name for the life of me.Would I would remember is that she was a stunning young woman who looked like she had just stepped off the pages of Playboy magazine and put some clothes on. Her hair was flowing golden yellow with a loose ponytail hanging down her back. She had on a tight red turtle-neck sweater that did everything to complement her. Smooth round hips covered in a pair of white corduroy pants. She had a pair of red 'Elf' style boots surrounding her feet. She looked unlike any teacher I had seen before (or since now that I come to think of it).As I blinked at her, I could see in my mind's eye exactly what she would look like with no clothes on. I decided she would look good.I quickly lowered my gaze to her feet... I surely didn't want to get called out for staring again.“All right, all right. Find a chair, sit down and be quiet.”I quickly sat in the first available seat, right in the front row. There were only two other people in the front row... a. I didn’t understand what was happening; all I knew was that I didn’t want her to stop. I wanted and needed more. Every time she would squeeze my neck just a bit harder I felt the blood rush to my head, it pulsed and throbbed but it wasn’t just in my head. My pussy felt the sensations just as much. I was in a trance, a daze from lack of oxygen and an excess of arousal. “More, I whispered,” and she responded in kind. She grabbed my throat and started to squeeze harder. The sensations in the back of my eyes, in my clit, were like nothing I’d ever felt before. My body was thrashing around on the sofa and I was grabbing her hand with my own, trying to get her to squeeze harder, longer; I wanted her grip tighter. She tormented with me her sexy talk, telling me how sexy I looked, how wet her pussy was getting seeing me so turned on. This was the epitome of erotic asphyxiation; she was choking me, controlling me sensually. I wasn’t for a moment afraid. My life was in her hands,.
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