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Pressing her lips around my tip she got the quick flow of semen out then looked back up at me. In the moonlight I could see the shine of that thick layer of saliva covering the entire lower half of her face. Her breathing was still heavy from all the choke & gag she'd performed minutes ago. I stood over her kneeling body, my hands loosened their grip on her messy hair. Her legs spread wider, knees farther apart, lowering her whole body. She never broke eye contact. "Fuck me please fuck me now"My little angel was fully aroused. In front of me on her knees she waited. Her legs moving inward then back out again like as if she already had a dick inside her.she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and licked her lips with anticipation. Fuck yeah she was ready for it.I gave her a quick head nod as I kicked at the clothes on the floor around my ankles. This was all the signal she needed to pounce. Now I don't know if it's because we'd both been drinking, or because we were so fuck. I wanted to please her and do as she says more than ever before. She had truly broken me down and made me her personal servant for as long as she desires. I loved it!Eventually, after a very long drawn out 2 days, Monday morning had come.I awaited excitedly, like a little girl on christmas morning. I could jump up and down with glee if it weren't for the handcuffs keeping me trapped to her chair. To my horror though, Mandy, one of my colleagues came in first to the main office."Oh shit, don't come in here!" I thought pleadfully as I watched her silhouette moving about through the frosted glass window pane on the door. She came real close to the door, I held my breath as there was no good way to explain the situation I'm in if she walks in. Phew, she turned and sat down at her desk."Please hurry, Alish!" I begged under my breath for my boss to turn up.A few more of my co-workers filled up the small main office floor, and soon the air filled with busy sounds of office work.I watched.
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