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Not Oren. Danny? Orens soft voice called to me. I was half asleep but I still answered with a, Yeah, babe? Wake up, Ive got a surprise for you. I could almost hear him smiling. Waking up was not something I really wanted to do, but Oren was notorious for his surprises. The last time he work me up this way he was wearing a cat costume that caused me to phone in sick to work. I blinked my eyes open slowly to find him kneeling beside me, wearing a huge smile. And nothing else. My eyes roamed over the expanses of soft milky skin before me. His small little pink nipples stood out, almost teasingly, from his chest. I could imagine perfectly how they would feel against my lips. I reached out to touch him and thats when I found his surprise. I was cuffed to the bed. Oren, why am I&hellip, You told me a while back that you wanted to experiment with BDSM. Well, the last of the toys Ive been ordering came in yesterday. So you cuffed me to the bed while I was sleeping? He smiled again,. She didn't stop but just stroked harder until warm sticky liquid filled her mouth. She opened her mouth wider and let the cum run out until it stopped squirting and then proceded to swallow as much as she could. I just moaned with contentment.She got up and grabbed the soft drink and washed my cum down, then grabbed some tissues and wiped us both clean.She snuggled up alongside me and told me how much she had enjoyed what we had done today but wanted to cum again.I laid her on her back and kissed my way down her body until i came to her very wet juicy pussy. My tongue flicked and licked her clit as my finger squeezed in between her flaps and rubbed her slit. She was really relaxed and enjoying every touch of her clit and wriggled and moaned when I chewed on it. My finger slowly pressed into her virgin crevice, making sure I didn't go too far. She then reached down and pulled her knees up to her chest to totally expose her pussy and ass to me.My tongue was lapping her clit and my.
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