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We’re not going to participate in the dance.” She plopped herself down on the sofa and pouted.I felt sorry for Ramone. He looked silly standing like a statue with his giant bulge running down his left leg.“Sorry man, I didn’t mean for you to be offended. We were just having a bit of fun. You know, letting off some steam.” Ramone shrugged his muscular shoulders and began to button up his shirt covering his muscular chest.I wasn't sure how or when his shirt was removed, but I had bigger problems to focus on. “I…I’m sorry I don’t want you guys to quit,” I said.My wife sat on the sofa with her legs crossed and her arms folded. She was so disgusted that she couldn’t look at me.I felt like a jealous ass wipe. “It’s my fault for being too controlling. Perhaps I should let you guys practice alone.”“You think?" My wife said.“Yes honey,” I answered.“You should get a room at the Comfort Inn for a couple of weeks.” Her foot began to wiggle, which indicated her excitement, and her devilish smirk. ‘And Cathy,’ she waved vaguely in the brunette’s direction. Over the course of the next ten minutes or so, Joe and Gwen chatted amiably. Devon had been right the ladies did go to State though both were in their first year at the College. Though, as Gwen had so succinctly pointed out, pretty much all the young adults their age went to State – it was the only real education option after high school. More interesting to Joe was that they seemed to share an interest in sci-fi and comics. Joe was used to being ridiculed for his ‘lame’ interest, as Devon had so harshly put it, and even his last girlfriend had just sort of looked sadly at him whenever he’d spoken about it. Gwen on the other hand, seemed to be as big a geek as he was and time seemed to fly by as they chattered. There turn finally came at the kiosk and Cathy and Devon turned to them and announced. ‘We’re going to see ‘Blood Through the Moon’ okay?’ ‘NO!’ replied Gwen and Joe at the same time. It had come up earlier that.
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