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She waited as long as she could, but finally, she couldn't stand it anymore and she went to the Coliseum to see what was happening. She made her way to the Coliseum, and once she was at the front gate, she told the first official she could find that she was Celadus's girl. He took her back behind the stadium so she could watch the action from the ground level. Celadus hadn't yet entered the stadium and she watched two other gladiators fight. She saw how brutal and fierce their fighting was and then she saw one of them get the upper hand, knocking his opponent to the ground. He stood over his fallen opponent and looked up at the Governor, who then gave a "thumbs down" signal. The standing gladiator did not hesitate, and ran his sword through the fallen combatant, killing him. Selassie looked around the stadium floor at the other red patches of dirt and knew that other men had fought and some died there as well. Then she looked up into the seats at the cheering and laughing people. How. ”“We have to go shopping!”Melody and Lissa went shopping. I found myself back at QuickCuts where I went before the party back in May. I hadn’t had a haircut since and they were all appalled.“So, how many dates do you have tonight?” Donna, the hairdresser, asked. When she’d done the cut in May I had five girls on my arm that night and picked up four more before morning.“Only three today,” I said.“Howard!” she called. “He needs another shave.” The big barber headed our direction. “He’d be furious if I let you tell me about it without him being here. I think your last adventure gave him wet dreams for a week.”“Mmm. Me too,” I said.“So spill the details before I put the lather on,” Howard said. I grinned.“Well, my two wives and I...”“No way!”“I’m telling the story.”“Go ahead. Go ahead.”“Well, the three of us have a crush on this really sweet girl. We’ve been friends for a while, but this afternoon is our first date.”“You finally got the courage to ask her out?”“No, she asked us.”“I’m not.
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