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O’Hara, I completely understand. No affair, no nuts cut off – got it.”That did as I had hoped – it made her laugh.“Why don’t we head to UOP, so you can do the paperwork to start class in two weeks, and after that we’ll head to O’Hara and O’Hara West. I expect Stan to call me soon to set up the sales appointments he talked about.”Well, Caroline’s stop at UOP took practically no time at all, due to the fact that she’d spent nearly four hours poring over classes, schedules and so forth. We were quickly on our way to the recently opened Palo Alto offices of O’Hara and O’Hara Real Estate, LLC.We got there rather quickly, Sheila behind the receptionist desk. Everything except the two Logo signs were up and running. The oak wood version of our new logo was strikingly stunning hanging on the wall above and behind Sheila. There were two ceiling lights pointing and showing it off.I don’t know if Stan told Sheila what he told us, so we went inside and said hi to everybody. All of our Realtors. "If that ever happens again," he said. "You're supposed to yell 'Trail' real loud, and the team ahead has to get off the trail. I'm sorry I got in your way." That's all right, Mr. Mears," she said. "I hope I did all right." Well, if there's any question about qualifying for the final, you can take another run," he said, then glanced over at the board, where the times were being posted. "But, I don't think there's going to be any question."Tiffany's time was a 2:57, compared to over five minutes for Mears.Mark let out a whistle. "Hell, that's ten seconds better than our best time with five dogs." Uh, Greg," Mike said. "I think we sorta screwed up a little. When Tiffany raced last weekend, we had a hundred pounds of ballast in her sled to even things out. I think maybe we should have done it again."Mears shook his head. "It's not going to matter that much. It might add a few seconds to her time, but nobody would still get near it."Mears took a pass to stop and watch Tiffany's second run.
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