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Her chest was a sticky mess, mostly from the cum she was spitting up. I got off her chest, and immediately pulled off her panties.She spread her legs and wiped her hand on her chest, and then rubbed the sperm/saliva mixture all over her pussy. It was a very erotic sight. I watched as she brought herself to orgasm in less than a minute. I couldn't take it any more and quickly moved my still-hard dick between her thighs.Her eyes told me she wanted it bad, and I quickly thrust my dick up her pussy. She was so tight. I sunk all the way into her, and she held me tightly against her body. We lay like that for a few minutes, my sister adjusting slightly to my girth. She writhed about gently, moving slightly one way or the other, until she cried out and came without me moving at all.I fondled her tits and began humping her. I pounded her pussy hard and fast, building our pace until we were frantically fucking each other. She began convulsing as another orgasm swept over her. I felt like I. ..and told her I wanted her to think of me while I stepped out. Down the friend met me. He had left his table too. ..Wow he said she is she "vibrating">....oh yes I told him and she thinks you are attractive...I then returned to my table. My wife and chatted throughout dinner and the conversation got hotter as the vibe continued.. We talked about some of our vacations and times at the topless beach....and even one in the caribbean were we got nude...and walked down the beach. That conversation and the vibe got her excited and she told me she might have to take me in the car before we got least give me a blowjob....She was really getting hot talking about sexy times and I mentioned maybe we might share a vacation with my friend ....She said they looked like a nice couple. I suggested we invite them over for a drink..Oh my she said...with my vib going...what is they hear?.......All the better I told she was getting hotter and had that look in.
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