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Eventually, get her to take over control of the dildo. Get her to cum from it while watching the porn. Make comments about how beautiful the dildo looks in her, how black is so good for her.By the way, be sure to get some good lube for the dildo, and be sure to not only keep it lubed for her, but also keep it clean for her. After use, use some soapy water to clean it. YOU do that, not her. And YOU apply the lube, not her. K-Y has some nice lubes, and you can get it at any d**g store, such as in Target, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, CVS, etc.Step 6:Work on her becoming a total nudist at home. Anytime she is home, try to get her naked, and used to being naked around you and other family member that live with you. Become a nudist family, if possible, but at the very minimum, get her to be comfortable with being a nudist at home.Step 7:Get additional IR porn, only now, with more black guys and one girl, or with several girls and one or two black guys. Don't make it full blown gangbangs yet, but. She was right though. What was I so afraid of? It was more than a little clear that he was into me and I knew I was into him so why not? I guess the intensity of what would potentially follow was something that had me reeling in my hormones, not that they listened to me anyway. Fuck this, I guess it’s okay to throw caution to the wind sometimes. I looked over to where everyone was dancing away as I bought myself a drink and my eyes met Daniel’s. We both took a sip from our drinks holding our little stare and I walked over to where he was, determination straightening my back and thrusting my chest out just a tad bit more. The beat of the music added to the effect of my approach as I walked in time to the music playing. Normally more demure I figured since I was going to do this I’d be free and go all out. I winked at Daniel as I got closer to him, moving my hips a little exaggeratedly in time to the music, and he reacted by raising an eyebrow, a smirk made its way to his lips. His.
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