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Her legs were spread very wide apart and a bar attached to the ankle cuffs keeping them open. Her arms were pulled higher until her feet were barely touching the floor. She felt the corset being cut off and all the weights were removed. Someone forced her mouth open and a gag was put in her mouth and tightened. It was different from those she had seen in the other room. This one seemed to be a large ring that held her mouth open very wide, but would allow objects to be put inside her mouth. She could not swallow, so almost immediately felt herself drooling, and she was certain she would not be able to form any words. “You have not been a very good girl. You have embarrassed your Master. Your actions have brought discipline to another. Your Master has arranged for us to assist in your training because for some reason, his attempts have failed. This is a hard truth for him to admit, but since he loves you, he still wants you to learn to be the best person you can be. Your pain will. I guess Jase and Eddie had recruited him to help look for me too. He looked annoyed until he got a better look at my tear-streaked face, then he just looked sympathetic as he pulled Chey away from me and the flashlight shined on my feet, and for the first time since I left the house I could see that I was literally dripping blood from my left foot."Fuck," Luke muttered, kneeling in front of me as he placed the flashlight on the rock, aimed at my foot as he lifted it and I flinched."Sorry... what the hell happened?" I stepped on glass," I mumbled."Sorry I broke your picture."Luke looked up at me and actually cracked a smile before he went back to inspecting my foot. I was glad that he was looking at it because I seriously didn't want to."You might need stitches," he announced. "We need to get you back to the house." Are Eddie and Jase mad?" I asked stupidly."Worried out of their damn minds, more like it," Luke replied."I'd really better get you back to the house before they call the.
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