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Although Kate was clothed, Mom was completely, brazenly naked, her clothes scattered on the floor. Mom had one arm around Kate's shoulders, another around her waist, and one leg raised up over Kate's leg. This was alot to take in, even though it was, of course, an amazing sight. "Mom, Kate! What is going on here? Mom, you're naked!" I said, feigning shock, even though the situation seemed quite clear to me. Mom looked up and gave me a knowing smile, proud of my acting. Kate, however, was horrified, "Steven, oh God, I'm sorry, no this is..., please I'm sorry about this, it's not what you think! Please don't be mad!" She was struggling to free herself from Mom, but Mom was holding her pretty tight, and holding Kate's leg down with her own naked thigh. "Kate", Mom responded, "It's OK, there is nothing for you to be sorry about. Steven, be a good boyfriend and son and stop standing there gaping like a fool. Come over here and sit down next to Kate, let her know it's OK." I. I looked in the corner next to the door for the grocery bag with my purse and all of my clothing.Gone.For some reason I found the situation completely undisturbing. You had had to go out and You had wanted to be sure I didn’t leave before You returned. And if that meant waiting for You, completely naked, for however long it might take, I was perfectly fine with that, Sir. Besides, I was so tired that the thought of going back to bed, even for a little while, was irresistible. So I wandered back upstairs and into Your bedroom. Where the first thing I noticed was my ‘Disobedient Slut’ panties, which had been hanging from one of the bedposts but had slid down during the night and were now partially trapped between the post and the mattress.I am a fairly fastidious person, Sir, and under different circumstances I would have tossed any piece of clothing so thoroughly stained (and still, as I discovered to my mortification when I took them in my hand to lift them over the bedpost,.
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