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But, as I said before, her most seductive features were undoubtedly her eyes. One look from those azure orbs made my heart race.She looked at me once more and laid her head on the floor. I positioned myself above her and soon felt smooth, warm fingers grasp my cock and guide it home. I slowly eased into her wetness and lingered just beyond the threshold. Here I tasted her delights and my cock swiftly responded to the stimulation. In no time it was hard enough to venture deeper. I could tell that Tamsin was holding her breath as her pussy reacted to my presence. I felt her muscles tighten around my shaft and she arched her back as I fucked her – letting me in deeper and deeper. I grasped her shoulders as I thrust into her with greater and greater force. She was never one to be a passive participant and she responded by bucking, wriggling and grinding furiously against my groin.I looked deep into her eyes and saw there a smile of thanks, a glint of gratitude. She then wrapped her long. "Will it be okay?" Yes," I answered too quickly, wanting to sound confident. What if it was not okay? What if I had forced her to do something that did not turn out as we wanted it to? I rubbed her tummy to reassure her that I was there, that everything would be okay.What bothered me was Laura's lack of confidence when we were together. She relied upon me to console her and comfort her. She wanted my opinion on what we would have to eat, what we would do and even how she should wear her hair. When she was away she was self assured, giving me orders as how to handle things. She conducted business during our telephone conversations, making decisions like an older sister. When we were apart she was strong but when we were together she looked to me to decide everything. I feared that I was not good for her.Laura sighed again, rose up in the bed and pulled the long night gown over her head. I could see what was coming. I moved to lie on my back and she followed, placing her head on my.
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