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Luckily the hug was for a short duration so she never felt anything and before my dick could take full flight, the tension was released. After that I asked her if she wanted to catch a movie or go for a dance.She said that she wanted to throw down a couple of drinks so we went to banana bar and I ordered their famous Long Island Ice tea (1 Ltr). We talked about our jobs, education and family for next one hr.We were about the finish the drink and order another when the DJ played a 90s song and she asked me that she liked the song very much and wanted to dance. I obliged. We did our retro Bollywood steps for some time when the DJ played a raunchy Akon track.I took a step near to her and waited for her to reciprocate. She reciprocated and came close to me. Was it the alcohol, or the atmosphere I didn’t know but we caught hold of each others hands and did a few salsa steps. My hand brushed her body in all the right places and I was a little turned on.After that we had another drink and. Brady came back and went into the boardroom. A short time later Brady called from the boardroom for me. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go in I was a little nervous, really horny but a little nervous. I went in and Brady closed the door behind me and motioned me to sit down. I sat down and Brady cleared his throat, “Beckie I am wondering what you might have heard earlier...” I smiled and stood up “Well guys it isn’t what I heard you need to worry about. It is more what I saw and believe me I saw plenty. You see boys or should I say big boys the blinds are partially open and I saw the type of movie you were watching. I also saw, you all stroking your poles while watching the movie. I am a very horny lady now and think there should be something done about it.” I have never seen four guys look so happy. Brady came over and gave me a kiss and soon I had eight hands on me unbuttoning, undoing, and removing my cloths. Then they.
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