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If you told me you didn't want to be together tonight because you were going to a beer and bong bash, I'd still love you. I'd worry more, but I'd still love you."Sophia laughed. "I think I knew that. But it was nice to hear, anyway. I really do like reading more than partying. I suppose I always did; I just forgot. But I worry about my image, more than I should. Reading Shakespeare and getting good grades just is not done in my crowd." Actually, Soph, you do other things that I'd bet aren't done much in your crowd. And that's not even including having a preppie boyfriend." OK, what else?" Sophia chuckled."I'd bet not many of your friends are Beatlemaniacs. And then there's that whole thing where you know more about baseball than most guys I know." True. Those things are, however, easier to hide than good grades."Warren thought for a minute. "What else did you like to do before you became Party Woman Extraordinaire?" This, actually. I loved movies. I like that we watch movies, I've. She took me into aworld famous donut house and got me a cream donut. (It?s the cream inside thehole of the donut, by the way). I soon related this to the whole heap of mess Iwas in inside the adult store. Master as alwaysyou want my report from the beginning, so before I get too far ahead of myself,here it is. Preparationsbegan at 12 noon as I had to be in work by 2 pm, so I showered and shave mypussy, before dressing in white blouse, miniskirt and thong. After work. Mandymet me from work and escorted me to Tim Horton?s Donut bar, where she bought methe coffee and donut filled with cream, Mandy constantly giggled as I ate thedonut. She had decided to wear a combination of jeans and a tee shirt withGreek writing on it. I found out the significance of this later at the adultstore. She also advisedme that the manager of the Adult store was in it and would be acting as mybodyguard and the fact that this was supposed to be a sorority pledge, hencethe Greek letters on her tee shirt. At.
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