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I shot quenching spells onto the burning hulls to save the vulnerable vampires below deck while Yavara shot into one of the pirate’s minds and sent him on a rampage. The other pirates cut him down before he could do much damage, but Yavara grabbed another, and charged him into his shipmates. It was too late. The pirate vessel ran the length of our broadside, and five massive harpoons blasted through the hull of our ship. I could hear the shrieks below deck. The pirates reeled us in from chains connecting the harpoons until our hulls coupled with a deep thud. I sliced at the chains with arcane fire while Yavara’s mind raced from man to man. A volley of arrows came down on us, and I threw up an arcane shield just in time. The pirates poured onto the deck, headless of the men stabbing them in the back, charging right for us.“Use telekinesis!” I screamed at her, gritting my teeth as arrow after arrow tested my arcane shield. Yavara threw out her hands, and the leading four men were sent. "Now what if I can't resist," I said. I pulled her close, my arm around her back. I nudged my knee between her legs so she would open them and half rolled her over onto her back as she did. I slid my leg up tight against her crotch. I kissed her lightly on the lips, then much harder. As I felt her lips relax I slipped my tongue in a little until I felt the tip of her tongue, I hardened mine and brushed it back and forth against her tongue. I felt her nipples harden against me and the movement of her pelvis against my thigh.I broke the kiss and said, "Girl, if we don't get up from here the only workout you are going to get will not be in the gym." Oh, I forgot - Jen is waiting - we had better get going; she had some kind of move she wants you to demonstrate," she said."Oh, I thought that was what you were doing; putting the move on me," I replied and we broke into laughter.Jen was sitting at the table when we got to the kitchen "I thought I was going to have to come get you two," she.
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