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I’ve always skied by it and wondered what it looked like inside, it’s even better than I imagined. You’re so lucky that your aunt is on the board of the Guggenheim. You get the best artwork.’ Adele turned around to gaze at the house once more, walking backwards to the car. The pair had parted after lunch to change and shower and then Jake had picked her up at her parents’ house for dinner. But first, Adele had pleaded for a tour of his home. ‘Thanks,’ said Jake, opening the car door for her. ‘My mom loves decorating. It’s her secret passion. Where to for dinner?’ Letting her think about dinner plans, he walked around the car and slid into the driver’s seat. ‘I think we should go to Marguerite’s. It sounds fancy, but it has the best home cooked food around. I always get the chicken fried steak.’ ‘You? Chicken fried steak? But you’re so skinny,’ laughed Jake. ‘Blame it on good genes and an addiction to running. I eat way more than it looks.’ A moment of awkward silence ensued. Both. Andthen, she met me at the front door. "Ok Timmy, out we go, and intoAgnes' car, get moving," she ordered sternly."P...plea...please aunt M...Madge I c...can't g...go out all dressed uplike a woman like this!?" I stammered wide eyed. "You can and you will,"she said as the door opened and she pushed me out on the entry steps.The large pink suitcase was filled and heavy. Madge made it a point tomention that it was packed full of nothing but women's clothing andlingerie and things! I wouldn't have any more access to any man clothingat all!"But everybody will see me!" I gasped again."Well then, since you're dressed like one now you'd better act like aproper young lady don't you think? If you move feminine enough you mightjust get by," she said not really caring either way. I gasped as Ilugged my bags, wobbling on the high stiletto heels as Agnes waited ather car by the open trunk with a satisfied smile on her face.I'd never had my hair done, never worn makeup. I mean, I'd tried.
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